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Mesomap of Southwestern Weather Network Stations

 Temperature   Dew Point   Humidity   Wind from direction @ Speed/Gust   Rain today   Barometer & Trend   Current Conditions   Fire Danger based on 
 Chandler Burn Index 

73 °F DP 47 °F 40 % Wind from WW  0 mph 0.00 in 29.99 inFalling Slowly Sunny Sunny  Low  Pepper Ridge-N.Phx

77 °F DP 35 °F 22 % Wind from SSWSSW  2 G 2 mph 0.00 in 29.97 inFalling Slowly Sunny Sunny  Extreme  Tucson

74 °F DP 47 °F 38 % Wind from SWSW  3 G 1 mph 0.00 in 30.00 inFalling Slowly Sunny Sunny  Moderate  Youngtown

55 °F DP 34 °F 45 % Wind from EE  5 G 14 mph 0.00 in 29.98 inSteady Metar KPMD: Clear Clear  Low  Acton

66 °F DP 44 °F 44 % Wind from WNWWNW  3 G 10 mph 0.00 in 30.12 inSteady Metar KCMA: Clear Clear  Low  Camarillo

64 °F DP 42 °F 46 % Wind from SSESSE  5 G 5 mph 0.00 in 30.10 inFalling Slowly Cloudy2 Cloudy2  Low  Camarillo-2

63 °F DP 51 °F 66 % Wind from SESE  3 mph 0.01 in 30.09 insteady Metar KBUR: Clear Clear  Low  Duarte

53 °F DP 47 °F 80 % Wind from NWNW  0 mph 0.00 in 30.29 inSteady Mist Mist  Low  Exeter

46 °F DP 35 °F 66 % Wind from NWNW  3 G 8 mph 0.00 in 30.31 inSteady Metar KAUN: Clear Clear  Low  Foresthill

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Gilroy

54 °F DP 46 °F 74 % Wind from NENE  5 G 12 mph 0.00 in 30.10 inSteady Metar KMCE: Clear Clear  Low  Merced

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Oceanside

53 °F DP 1 °F 58 % Wind from NN  1 G 5 mph 0.00 in 30.31 in Metar KAUN: Clear Clear  Low  Placerville

48 °F DP 37 °F 67 % Wind from NWNW  2 G 2 mph 0.00 in 30.30 inFalling Slowly Overcast Overcast  Low  Rail Road Flat

63 °F DP 50 °F 63 % Wind from EE  1 mph 0.01 in 30.11 inFalling Slowly Metar KMYF: Clear Clear  Low  San Diego

57 °F DP 45 °F 63 % Wind from NWNW  6 G 5 mph 0.00 in 30.30 inFalling Slowly Sunny Sunny  Low  Santa Cruz

51 °F DP 41 °F 67 % Wind from NWNW  6 G 6 mph 0.01 in 30.32 inFalling Slowly Metar KSJC: Few Clouds Few Clouds  Low  Saratoga

53 °F DP 42 °F 68 % Wind from WNWWNW  3 G 11 mph 0.01 in 30.36 inSteady Metar KSJC: Few Clouds Few Clouds  Low  Saratoga-2

51 °F DP 46 °F 82 % Wind from NN  2 G 13 mph 0.01 in 30.32 inFalling Metar KWVI: Clear Clear  Low  Scotts Valley

Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Offline Simi Valley

33 °F DP 9 °F 36 % Wind from NENE  3 mph 0.00 in 30.31 inFalling Metar KTRK: Few Clouds Few Clouds  Low  Tahoe Vista

52 °F DP 43 °F 70 % Wind from WSWWSW  6 G 5 mph 0.00 in 30.30 inSteady Mainly Fine Mainly Fine  Low  Union City

73 °F DP 58 °F 60 % Wind from WW  0 mph 0.00 in 29.99 inSteady Sunny Sunny  Low  Makawao

56 °F DP 17 °F 21 % Wind from SSESSE  1 G 1 mph 0.00 in 30.12 inFalling Slowly Sunny Sunny  Extreme  Las Vegas

32 °F DP 13 °F 46 % Wind from WW  10 G 9 mph 0.00 in 30.35 inSteady Windy Windy  Low  Ryndon/Devil's Gate

39 °F DP 27 °F 62 % Wind from SSESSE  5 G 4 mph 0.00 in 30.13 inFalling Slowly Metar KPVU: Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy  Low  Lehi

Conditions data shown was collected
from Sat, 08-Feb-2025 09:45:09 HST to Sat, 08-Feb-2025 09:58:11 HST

The Southwestern Weather Network is an affiliation of personal weather websites located in AZ, CA, HI, NV, and UT. Up Country Maui Weather is proud to be a member of this network. Please take a moment to visit other stations on the network by clicking on the map above or clicking on the links below. Stations are displaying current conditions, temperature, dew point, humidity, wind speed/gust speed, today's rain, barometer/trend, and time of last update where available.

Current member stations of the Southwestern Weather Network

as of Fri, 28-Jun-2024 10:18:33 HST

  1. Arizona
    1. Pepper Ridge-N.Phx [ Weather, Lightning ]
    2. Tucson [ Weather, WebCam ]
    3. Youngtown [ Weather ]
  2. California
    1. Acton [ Weather, WebCam ]
    2. Camarillo [ Weather ]
    3. Camarillo-2 [ Weather ]
    4. Duarte [ Weather ]
    5. Exeter [ Weather, WebCam ]
    6. Foresthill [ Weather ]
    7. Gilroy [ Weather ]
    8. Merced [ Weather ]
    9. Oceanside [ Weather ]
    10. Placerville [ Weather, Lightning, WebCam ]
    11. Rail Road Flat [ Weather, WebCam ]
    12. San Diego [ Weather ]
    13. Santa Cruz [ Weather, WebCam ]
    14. Saratoga [ Weather, Lightning, WebCam ]
    15. Saratoga-2 [ Weather ]
    16. Scotts Valley [ Weather, WebCam ]
    17. Simi Valley [ Weather ]
    18. Tahoe Vista [ Weather, Lightning, WebCam ]
    19. Union City [ Weather ]
  3. Hawaii
    1. Makawao, Maui [ Weather, Lightning, WebCam ]
  4. Nevada
    1. Las Vegas [ Weather ]
    2. Ryndon/Devil's Gate [ Weather, WebCam ]
  5. Utah
    1. Lehi [ Weather ]
Pepper Ridge-N.Phx: 73°F, DP 47°F, 40%, W 0 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 29.99in Falling Slowly, Sunny Tucson: 77°F, DP 35°F, 22%, SSW 2 G 2 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 29.97in Falling Slowly, Sunny Youngtown: 74°F, DP 47°F, 38%, SW 3 G 1 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.00in Falling Slowly, Sunny Acton: 55°F, DP 34°F, 45%, E 5 G 14 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 29.98in Steady, Metar KPMD: Clear Camarillo: 66°F, DP 44°F, 44%, WNW 3 G 10 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.12in Steady, Metar KCMA: Clear Camarillo-2: 64°F, DP 42°F, 46%, SSE 5 G 5 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.10in Falling Slowly, Cloudy2 Duarte: 63°F, DP 51°F, 66%, SE 3 mph, Rain: 0.01in, Baro: 30.09in steady, Metar KBUR: Clear Exeter: 53°F, DP 47°F, 80%, NW 0 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.29in Steady, Mist Foresthill: 46°F, DP 35°F, 66%, NW 3 G 8 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.31in Steady, Metar KAUN: Clear Gilroy - no current conditions report Merced: 54°F, DP 46°F, 74%, NE 5 G 12 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.10in Steady, Metar KMCE: Clear Oceanside - no current conditions report Placerville: 53°F, DP 1°F, 58%, N 1 G 5 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.31in , Metar KAUN: Clear Rail Road Flat: 48°F, DP 37°F, 67%, NW 2 G 2 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.30in Falling Slowly, Overcast San Diego: 63°F, DP 50°F, 63%, E 1 mph, Rain: 0.01in, Baro: 30.11in Falling Slowly, Metar KMYF: Clear Santa Cruz: 57°F, DP 45°F, 63%, NW 6 G 5 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.30in Falling Slowly, Sunny Saratoga: 51°F, DP 41°F, 67%, NW 6 G 6 mph, Rain: 0.01in, Baro: 30.32in Falling Slowly, Metar KSJC: Few Clouds Saratoga-2: 53°F, DP 42°F, 68%, WNW 3 G 11 mph, Rain: 0.01in, Baro: 30.36in Steady, Metar KSJC: Few Clouds Scotts Valley: 51°F, DP 46°F, 82%, N 2 G 13 mph, Rain: 0.01in, Baro: 30.32in Falling, Metar KWVI: Clear Simi Valley - no current conditions report Tahoe Vista: 33°F, DP 9°F, 36%, NE 3 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.31in Falling, Metar KTRK: Few Clouds Union City: 52°F, DP 43°F, 70%, WSW 6 G 5 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.30in Steady, Mainly Fine Makawao, Maui: 73°F, DP 58°F, 60%, W 0 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 29.99in Steady, Sunny Las Vegas: 56°F, DP 17°F, 21%, SSE 1 G 1 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.12in Falling Slowly, Sunny Ryndon/Devil's Gate: 32°F, DP 13°F, 46%, W 10 G 9 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.35in Steady, Windy Lehi: 39°F, DP 27°F, 62%, SSE 5 G 4 mph, Rain: 0.00in, Baro: 30.13in Falling Slowly, Metar KPVU: Partly Cloudy

Note: Click on table column heading below to sort table by that column's vaues.


Dew Pt.
Wind Avg
Arizona Pepper Ridge-N.Phx Sunny 73 47 40 Wind from W 0 0 0.00
29.99Falling Slowly
Falling Slowly 09:55:53
Arizona Tucson Sunny 77 35 22 SSW Wind from SSW 2 2 0.00
29.97Falling Slowly
Falling Slowly 09:57:59
Arizona Youngtown Sunny 74 47 38 SW Wind from SW 3 1 0.00
30.00Falling Slowly
Falling Slowly 09:58:00
California Acton Metar KPMD: Clear 55 34 45 Wind from E 5 14 0.00
Steady 09:56:50
California Camarillo Metar KCMA: Clear 66 44 44 WNW Wind from WNW 3 10 0.00
Steady 09:57:55
California Camarillo-2 Cloudy2 64 42 46 SSE Wind from SSE 5 5 0.00
30.10Falling Slowly
Falling Slowly 09:57:59
California Duarte Metar KBUR: Clear 63 51 66 SE Wind from SE 3 0.01
steady 09:57:10
California Exeter Mist 53 47 80 NW Wind from NW 0 0 0.00
Steady 09:58:00
California Foresthill Metar KAUN: Clear 46 35 66 NW Wind from NW 3 8 0.00
Steady 09:57:59
California Merced Metar KMCE: Clear 54 46 74 NE Wind from NE 5 12 0.00
Steady 09:57:00
California Placerville Metar KAUN: Clear 53 1 58 Wind from N 1 5 0.00
California Rail Road Flat Overcast 48 37 67 NW Wind from NW 2 2 0.00
30.30Falling Slowly
Falling Slowly 09:57:18
California San Diego Metar KMYF: Clear 63 50 63 Wind from E 1 0 0.01
30.11Falling Slowly
Falling Slowly 09:58:02
California Santa Cruz Sunny 57 45 63 NW Wind from NW 6 5 0.00
30.30Falling Slowly
Falling Slowly 09:58:07
California Saratoga Metar KSJC: Few Clouds 51 41 67 NW Wind from NW 6 6 0.01
30.32Falling Slowly
Falling Slowly 09:58:03
California Saratoga-2 Metar KSJC: Few Clouds 53 42 68 WNW Wind from WNW 3 11 0.01
Steady 09:55:18
California Scotts Valley Metar KWVI: Clear 51 46 82 Wind from N 2 13 0.01
Falling 09:55:15
California Tahoe Vista Metar KTRK: Few Clouds 33 9 36 NE Wind from NE 3 0.00
Falling 09:58:06
California Union City Mainly Fine 52 43 70 WSW Wind from WSW 6 5 0.00
Steady 09:58:11
Hawaii Makawao, Maui Sunny 73 58 60 Wind from W 0 0 0.00
Steady 09:58:01
Nevada Las Vegas Sunny 56 17 21 SSE Wind from SSE 1 1 0.00
30.12Falling Slowly
Falling Slowly 09:58:08
Nevada Ryndon/Devil's Gate Windy 32 13 46 Wind from W 10 9 0.00
Steady 09:45:09
Utah Lehi Metar KPVU: Partly Cloudy 39 27 62 SSE Wind from SSE 5 4 0.00
30.13Falling Slowly
Falling Slowly 09:56:58